Week 6 – LENT across Swadlincote Minster

We are encouraging everyone to follow the new LICC Lent course called ‘ON PURPOSE’. There are 2 parts to this course – daily readings to follow and weekly material which can be used in small groups and on Sundays.. that is entirely up to you.

This 40-day devotional journey will help Christians discover God-given purpose in everything they do. Because with Jesus, our work, family life, friendships, and interests all serve a higher purpose.

After four days exploring the Scriptural meaning of purpose, for each of the following five weeks you’ll explore a different theme, through a mixture of Bible reflections and true stories. Because Sundays in Lent are traditionally set aside for gathered
church, you won’t get a prompt on Sundays. Finally, in Holy Week you’ll examine how Jesus reveals his true purpose in the days before his crucifixion.

Purpose in neighbourhoods (Week 6)
Day 29 (18/03/2024) – Matthew 22:36–40
Day 30 (19/03/2024) – Sam & Olivia’s story
Day 31 (20/03/2024) – Luke 7:37–38
Day 32 (21/03/2024) – Nick & Emily’s story
Day 33 (22/03/2024) – Luke 10:27–29
Day 34 (23/03/2024) – David’s story

To find out more follow this link: On Purpose – Lent Devotional Journey | LICC or go to www.licc.org.uk

SMALL GROUPS running this course across Lent are as follows – if you are planning to join then please contact them first:

Monday morning group
10am via zoom apart from the 1st Monday of month. Contact Rev Patrick on 07968503447

Tuesday evening group
7:30pm at 2 Hastings Road, Church Gresley. Contact Sue Stubbs on 07762188467

Tuesday evening group
For the Lent course, we will be moving to Bridget’s Room in our Church Centre in order to welcome and accommodate anyone who would like to attend.  Contact Caroline Carr on 07814 270347 if you are interested

Thursday evening group
7:30pm at 11 Reading Avenue, Church Gresley. Contact Pam Burgess on 07814186309

Friday afternoon group
2pm-3pm in Emmanuel Church Hall. Contact Rev Alison on 07986527293